134409000 131212301 Frigidaire Washer Temperature Switch and Capacitor
134409000 131212301 Frigidaire Washer Temperature Switch and Capacitor
This used part is from model number : FWS445RFS2
Part has 90 day warranty.
This part number replaces: 131081200
Stock Number W37 SE
Model numbers in ad is just for reference use only.
Please email us your model number to make sure the part is the correct part for your model.
Used part is in good condition may have some scratches from normal use.
Please make sure that the part that you order is the correct part for your model number. There will be a restocking fee if the part is returned.
Picture may not be the same as part.
Please go by the part number to order your parts not the picture of the part.
If you need any additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone, we would gladly like to help. We list parts on a regular basis, if you do not see your part listed please contact us to see if we might have it.
134409000 131212301 Frigidaire Washer Temperature Switch and Capacitor
Please include model number of unit in "order special instructions" box .
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