WB23M23 GE Kenmore Range 2000 watt 8" Infinite Burner Switch Control
WB23M23 GE Kenmore Range 2000 watt 8" Infinite Burner Switch Control
This part is a used part from model JSP38GOT1BB, 911.95361590, 91195575790, plus similar models.
Specs: 7.2 - 9.0 amp. 240 V. Shaft length is 3/4" .
90 Day Guarantee. 9725917 KS812009, CTL030 .
Stock number: S486.
Used Parts are in Good Condition with some abrasions, stains, discoloration and scratches from use.
Please go by pictures, measurements, and part numbers to determine whether this part will fit your model appliance. If you do not have a part number go to searspartsdirect, to determine if this part will fit your model..
There will be a restocking fee if the part has to be returned. We do not refund shipping costs. The actual part is pictured.
WB23M23 GE Kenmore Range 2000 watt 8" Infinite Burner Switch Control
Please include model number of unit in "order special instructions" box .
Самовывоз доступен: 35 E. Canal St.
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