67003701 Amana Refrigerator Chiller Shelf
67003701 Amana Refrigerator Chiller Shelf
Chiller Shelf , 67003701 , AP4079978 , 10521807, 10521808, 10521812, 10521813, 10521814, 10521815, 10521816, 10521820, 4344085, D7783406, Y10521816 .
Used parts fit models, SXD22S2W, SXD22SL (P1303503W) , 596.57542790 , SCD25TW (P1190422W W) , plus many similar makes and models .
Verify if this part is compatible with your model appliance by sending an email to goodapplianceparts@gmail.com. The image shows the actual part. Returns or refunds will not be possible without verification.
Measurements: (approx.) 17" W x 3 1/2" H .
Stock Number: R7021 .
Part has a 90-day warranty.
The parts are in good condition, but may have some surface flaws consistent with previous use . Front graphics may differ .
Refer to the product images, dimensions, and part numbers to confirm if this part is compatible with your specific model. If you do not have a part number, you can visit either searspartsdirect.com or appliancepartspros.com to check for compatibility. You may also contact us at 260-563-0147 for assistance
67003701 Amana Refrigerator Chiller Shelf
Please include model number of unit in "order special instructions" box .