5303207036 Tappan Frigidaire Range Black Burner Switch Knob
5303207036 Tappan Frigidaire Range Black Burner Switch Knob
Used part fits models: 31-2428-00/02, 31-2423/23, plus many similar makes and models.
All part numbers associated to this part are: 355T527S01, 355T606S01, 358L016P01, 358L044P04, 358L064P01, 358T003D01, 358T003D02, 358T004D01, 358T004D02, 358T035P34, 358T081P07, 358T081P14, 358T082P05, 358T095P01, 358T095P06, 358T095P15, 358T095P16, 358T095P52, 358T095P53, 358T095P54, 358T095P76, 358T095P83, 358T095P86, 358T119P04, 358T141P04, 358T174P01, 358T174P14, T357011, T357096. Precedes - 5303207036, AP2559610 .
Part has a 90-day warranty.
Parts are in good condition they may have some scratches and marks from use.
There will be a restocking fee if the part has to be returned. We do not refund shipping costs. The actual part is pictured.
5303207036 Tappan Frigidaire Range Black Burner Switch Knob
Please include model number of unit in "order special instructions" box .
Самовывоз доступен: 35 E. Canal St.
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