240350603 Frigidaire Refrigerator Lower Crisper Glass
240350603 Frigidaire Refrigerator Lower Crisper Glass
Used part fits model numbers: LFSS2612TP1, FFHS2611PFCA,FRS26R4AW5, DGHS2644KF3, FRS6HF55KW0, FRS26RLECS0, RFS26R4AB6, FRS6LF7JM3, FRS26H5ASB5, plus many similar makes and models.
Known part numbers: 240350603, AP2115927, 7240350603, 891116, AH429962, EA429962, PS429962.
Measurements: Width - 15 1/2" x Deep - 14 3/8".
Verify if this part is compatible with your model appliance by sending an email to The image shows the actual part. Returns or refunds will not be possible without verification.
90 Day Warranty.
Stock number: R4304 .
Good condition, they may have some scratches, discoloration and marks from use. Sorry about the reflection, the glass is clear.
Refer to the product images, dimensions, and part numbers to confirm if this part is compatible with your specific appliance model. If you do not have a part number, you can visit either or to check for compatibility. You may also contact us at 260-563-0147 for assistance.
240350603 Frigidaire Refrigerator Lower Crisper Glass
Please include model number of unit in "order special instructions" box .
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